Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Godiva Gems: For People Who Can't Afford Real Godiva

This economy must be hitting Godiva pretty hard considering they had to create a new "affordable" product line called Godiva Gems. In their press release, they mention that this is a "ground-breaking moment in Godiva history". Translation: people aren't buying expensive candy anymore so let's make it cheaper and sell it at Safeway, Publix and Wegmans.

Haven't tried it yet so I can't tell you if it tastes as good as the expensive Godiva. I just love how they market this stuff..."Each is packaged in a jewel tone wrapper, making these colorful treats ideal for candy dishes at home or at work". LOL!

Godiva Gems will be available in packages containing a single variety of truffles, caramels or solids. Bags of candy will cost $4.99 for a range of 12-18 chocolates or $9.99 for a bag of 20-29 chocolates. You can also by a $15 gift box of Godiva Gems at

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