Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zafu: Never Pick the Wrong Jeans or Bra Again?

Two items of clothing that always seem to be a problem in terms of fit: jeans and bras. Well, fret no more, Zafu.com is here to help. Their website is designed to help you pick the perfect jeans or bra. Just answer a few simple questions and poof! You're denim and bra choices are displayed on the screen in record time (about 30 seconds). Whether you agree with their choices is up to you. I tried it out and none of the jeans I own showed up on my list (hmm...either I'm buying the wrong jeans or these people have no idea what they are talking about).

My favorite questions are the ones that relate to the bra search.

Example: How much drape do you have? (# of pencils you can hold between the bottom of your breast and your body?)

Do they seriously expect me to go hunting for pencils to put under my boobs? I guesstimated this one.

Bottom line: If you are really bored and need to kill time, try this website out, but don't expect any amazing revelations.

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