Friday, July 17, 2009

The Perfect Afternoon: New Kate Spade Wallet and Robert Pattinson

My company decided to do summer Friday's this year so I get to leave work at 12:30pm every Friday until today, instead of schlepping home on the bus, I decided to go uptown to Bloomingdales and finally use that $50 gift card I've been holding onto since October! I got myself a new wallet. Take a look:

The tag said it was on sale for $93.75 (original price $125)...then I noticed the 40% off purchase price: $57 (+tax)!!! Minus my gift card, I ended up spending $10. It really doesn't get any better than that.

But it does get better...

Because I was strolling along Park Ave that same afternoon and what should I come upon but the filming location for the movie Remember Me. The movie starring Robert Pattinson. There must have been like 300 girls hanging out there with their cell phones and cameras all ready to take a pic of RPattz. And yes, since I had nothing better to do, I stood right along with them hoping to get a glimpse. One woman told me she had already been waiting an hour and nothing. She did however see Pierce Brosnan walk by (he's in the film too, he plays RPattz's dad). I guess that's a good consolation prize. And then all of a sudden, the trailer door opened, and out came Rob looking handsomely disheveled as always. I didn't get a picture because he literally walked out of the trailer and jumped into a car with tinted windows and sped off. No wave, no acknowledgement...I think he's learned not to egg on the crowd. But just the same, it capped off a perfect Summer Friday afternoon.
This is the paparazzi pic from today's shoot:
P.S. I love that he's wearing that Stolichnaya T-shirt! Way to represent us Russians!

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