Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ABC Carpet and Home Store

If only I was rich...the kind of damage I would do at ABC Carpet and Home. This place is just spectacular...the antique furniture, the decorative pillows and throws, the pretty crystal chandeliers, the $50,000's all here. My cousin Vita and I went over there today to look at some rugs (not in the $50,000 price range of course). The saleswoman was actually pretty disappointed when we asked her where the remnants (aka sale) rugs were located. After perusing the rugs, we went across the street to the Home store. This was a mistake. Because this place is truly untouchable unless you have a money tree growing in your backyard. Vita and I oohed and ahhed at a bunch of stuff, especially the decorative pillows, the beautiful antique chandelier lamps, and the unique china. We left empty-handed of course but it was still worth it, spending a lovely lunch hour in one of the most beautiful stores I've ever seen.

ABC Home has an online store, however they have very few items for sale. Here's a couple of things you can purchase online...this website really does not do justice to the actual store.

While we are on the subject of pillows and rugs, ABC Home carries the Madeline Weinrib line of pillows and rugs. I can't even guess how expensive they might be but they are so beautiful. Check out some of the items from the Madeline Weinrib Atelier.

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