Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ABC Carpet and Home Store

If only I was rich...the kind of damage I would do at ABC Carpet and Home. This place is just spectacular...the antique furniture, the decorative pillows and throws, the pretty crystal chandeliers, the $50,000's all here. My cousin Vita and I went over there today to look at some rugs (not in the $50,000 price range of course). The saleswoman was actually pretty disappointed when we asked her where the remnants (aka sale) rugs were located. After perusing the rugs, we went across the street to the Home store. This was a mistake. Because this place is truly untouchable unless you have a money tree growing in your backyard. Vita and I oohed and ahhed at a bunch of stuff, especially the decorative pillows, the beautiful antique chandelier lamps, and the unique china. We left empty-handed of course but it was still worth it, spending a lovely lunch hour in one of the most beautiful stores I've ever seen.

ABC Home has an online store, however they have very few items for sale. Here's a couple of things you can purchase online...this website really does not do justice to the actual store.

While we are on the subject of pillows and rugs, ABC Home carries the Madeline Weinrib line of pillows and rugs. I can't even guess how expensive they might be but they are so beautiful. Check out some of the items from the Madeline Weinrib Atelier.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Early Walker SleepSack: The New Snuggie?

I saw the Early Walker SleepSack from Halo in Buy Buy Baby today. I was in there shopping for a larger SleepSack for my son. I can understand how it might make sense to put foot openings at the bottom of the, I really can't understand. I don't know about you, but when I'm in bed, I like to have my feet tucked in under my blanket completely covered. Wouldn't your kid's feet freeze if they were left out like that? And yes, it did say on the package that you can always tuck the feet into the sack but still, why would you want two holes at the bottom of your sleeping bag? Anyway, this option is available in case you feel like your child needs to walk around the house in a wearable blanket (a la the Snuggie). But I ended up buying the regular fleece SleepSack minus the foot holes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Carlo's Bakery: Yum!

I ordered a cake from Carlo's City Hall Bake Shop for my son's first birthday and it was absolutely amazing! You may know this bakery from the TV show Cake Boss. Not only did the cake look good but it tasted fantastic too (not an easy feat). The only downside is that I had a lot of cake leftover and I've slowly been eating away at it. Must

Carlo's is super busy because of all the TV publicity but I ordered the cake on a Wednesday and they had it ready for me on Sunday. If you are looking for a special cake that looks and tastes great, Carlo's City Hall Bake Shop in Hoboken, NJ is definitely the way to go.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Stop E-mailing and Start Snail-Mailing Again

These stationary sets are just so beautiful, they will make you want to start writing letters again. So put down that BlackBerry and pick up a pen...(and yes, you will need a think they're $0.44's been awhile).

Pulse SmartPen: Why Didn't I Have This in College?

I saw an ad for the LiveScribe Pulse SmartPen on the web and I was fascinated. This pen records and syncs audio with whatever you write. So if you're at a lecture or a meeting and you want to go back and see what was said at a particular time, you can tap on your notes to replay what was said at the moment you were writing. Users can also use the LiveScribe Desktop software to transfer notes to their PC to backup, replay, search for words within their notes, and share them online. The Pulse SmartPen is available in a 1GB (100 hours of recorded audio; $149) and 2GB (200 hours of recorded audio; $199) model.

Check out the demo on their website to get a better idea of all the things the Pulse SmartPen can do:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zafu: Never Pick the Wrong Jeans or Bra Again?

Two items of clothing that always seem to be a problem in terms of fit: jeans and bras. Well, fret no more, is here to help. Their website is designed to help you pick the perfect jeans or bra. Just answer a few simple questions and poof! You're denim and bra choices are displayed on the screen in record time (about 30 seconds). Whether you agree with their choices is up to you. I tried it out and none of the jeans I own showed up on my list (hmm...either I'm buying the wrong jeans or these people have no idea what they are talking about).

My favorite questions are the ones that relate to the bra search.

Example: How much drape do you have? (# of pencils you can hold between the bottom of your breast and your body?)

Do they seriously expect me to go hunting for pencils to put under my boobs? I guesstimated this one.

Bottom line: If you are really bored and need to kill time, try this website out, but don't expect any amazing revelations.

CPSC: Sign Up for these E-mails

The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) has a great website where you can sign up to receive alerts on products that have been recalled. This service is especially beneficial to people with kids. Because no matter how safe you think the stuff you buy your kids is, you are bound to be part of a recall eventually.

Just imagine how surprised I was when I received this recall for my son's coat:

Gap Recalls Children’s Coats; Toggles Can Break and Detach Posing Choking HazardI returned the coat to The Gap and they gave me a store credit for the full purchase price. It's definitely a good idea to keep informed of these recalls.

Monday, July 20, 2009

One-Pieces are Sexy Too!

I really can't remember the last time I wore a bathing suit...ah, wait... Caribbean vacation 2006 (yikes). The thought of putting one on since having the baby has been torturous...however, I found some really sexy one-pieces that can get anyone through those "not quite ready for the bikini again" months (or year) after having a baby.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Perfect Afternoon: New Kate Spade Wallet and Robert Pattinson

My company decided to do summer Friday's this year so I get to leave work at 12:30pm every Friday until today, instead of schlepping home on the bus, I decided to go uptown to Bloomingdales and finally use that $50 gift card I've been holding onto since October! I got myself a new wallet. Take a look:

The tag said it was on sale for $93.75 (original price $125)...then I noticed the 40% off purchase price: $57 (+tax)!!! Minus my gift card, I ended up spending $10. It really doesn't get any better than that.

But it does get better...

Because I was strolling along Park Ave that same afternoon and what should I come upon but the filming location for the movie Remember Me. The movie starring Robert Pattinson. There must have been like 300 girls hanging out there with their cell phones and cameras all ready to take a pic of RPattz. And yes, since I had nothing better to do, I stood right along with them hoping to get a glimpse. One woman told me she had already been waiting an hour and nothing. She did however see Pierce Brosnan walk by (he's in the film too, he plays RPattz's dad). I guess that's a good consolation prize. And then all of a sudden, the trailer door opened, and out came Rob looking handsomely disheveled as always. I didn't get a picture because he literally walked out of the trailer and jumped into a car with tinted windows and sped off. No wave, no acknowledgement...I think he's learned not to egg on the crowd. But just the same, it capped off a perfect Summer Friday afternoon.
This is the paparazzi pic from today's shoot:
P.S. I love that he's wearing that Stolichnaya T-shirt! Way to represent us Russians!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wedding Favors That Won't Be Left on the Table

Let's face favors are usually a waste of money. Most of the time they are either left behind or quickly thrown into the nearest garbage can at home. If you do decide to give favors, here's a couple of ideas that will surely be a hit with your guests.

Everyone can use an extra set of playing cards:
For the bookworm couple: A stainless steel bookmark

Let them eat cake or maybe Cake Balls:Winter wedding means guests with chapped lips:NYC-themed wedding, NYC-themed coaster set:Kill two birds with one stone. Place card and favor (and edible!):

Table decorations and favors (and once again, edible!):

Plastic sleeve vase (because they're going to take your flowers home one way or another!)